Allan Wall Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary Of First VDARE.COM Appearance—A Letter
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How time flies! April 24th is the twentieth anniversary of my very first appearance on VDARE.COM, on April 24th, 2001.

It was a letter entitled A Reader Discovers Vicente Fox's Personal Border Policy.  The letter reported my attempt, accompanied by my wife and young son, to drive into the ranch of then-Presidente Vicente Fox.  The guards wouldn't let us enter the restricted zone around the ranch compound.

My letter was followed up the next month by my first VDARE.COM article, entitled Why The Majority Of Mexican Immigrants Are Not Going To Vote For The GOP.  Well, twenty years later, they still don't!

A lot has occurred during the past twenty years, but VDARE.COM has been commenting on the culture all this time. Consider donating today.

I'd like to thank Peter Brimelow and the VDARE.COM staff for publishing me, and thank all my readers through the past twenty years.



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