Hungarians Reject EU’s Forced Migration Project
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Not every European leader is a globalist fool who embraces open borders for even historic enemies like Muslims. One of the strongest friends of the nation state and western freedom is Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

On Sunday, Hungarians voted in a referendum that asked: “Do you want the European Union to be able to mandate the obligatory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary even without the approval of the National Assembly?”

As Breitbart reported on the outcome: Hungary Referendum: EU Humiliated as 95 Percent Say NO to Migrant Quotas.

In eastern Europe, historic memories remain of the cruelty of the Ottoman Empire when it extended far into the continent.


Hungarians and others in the region (e.g. Bulgarians) are too realistic about Islamic diversity to want any more of it.

Here’s Viktor Orban on Sunday after the vote expressing his plans for the way forward to protect the Hungarian nation and its people:

Transcript of Orban remarks:

Good evening! Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to welcome you, everybody who is here with us in this room, and everybody else who is following the events via television. I would like to give a short summary of the results, 13 years after another referendum, also with a great majority, when the Hungarians decided to join the European Union.

Today the Hungarians made their voice heard in a European case. This is a great result, because we outshone the results of the previous referendum about joining the EU, when 3,056,000 people cast their vote with a YES. 3,204,000 so far, and we do not yet have the votes of Hungarians living outside of our borders. And I have to add, around 15 percent more participated this time than in the last election for the European Parliament. So the weapon will be strong enough for Brussels, too.

Ladies and Gentlemen, first I would like to congratulate everyone, and express my appreciation to all who felt the weight of this question and participated in this referendum. They came and contributed, so we could achieve this vote of more than three million. Among those who participated, nine out of ten voted for Hungary, for Hungary’s right to independence.

We must be proud of this, and of the fact that we are the first and for now the only EU member state, where the Hungarians could express their opinion directly about the migration. This was right, and this was fair, because in the last 2014 Parliamentary election this question did not even exist yet. So the citizens could not express their stand, they could not have had an opinion.

But ladies and gentlemen, we voted today about the most important question of the years ahead, as we discuss the future of Hungary, the future of our children and grandchildren. Who we will live together with, what will happen to our culture, what will happen to our lifestyle, what will happen to our economy, which we created through great hardship, and what will happen to our Christian roots.

Ladies and gentlemen, a worldwide migration is occurring, and its waves have spectacularly and painfully reached the beaches of Europe. The question now is: How will the European Union respond to this? The EU recommendation is to let all the migrants in and distribute them, using mandatory quotas, among the member states, under the direction of Brussels.

Ladies and Gentlemen, today the Hungarians thought this suggestion over and rejected it. The Hungarians decided that only we can decide who we want to live together with. Brussels or Budapest? This was the question, and we decided it: this question belongs to Budapest exclusively.

Today we started on a new path. It will be a long road. We took the first and most important step. On this long road, serious skirmishes and major battles await us. Now after the celebration we have to do two things to ensure the people’s will is fulfilled. First of all we have to give the people’s voice expression in public law.

In the next couple of days, I will propose to the Hungarian Parliament a constitutional change. (applause) I think the people’s will must be recognized and recorded in our Basic Law. The other urgent thing to do is to bring today’s decision into effect in Brussels too.

My dear friends, Brussels also has an important decision to make. Now, they face an important decision. The European Union is a democratic community. Today in a referendum of a member state, 92% of the participants rejected the intentions of Brussels.

The question is simple: Could Brussels, could the democratic community of states, force its will on a state where its intention was rejected by 92% of the voters? I promise you, I promise every citizen of Hungary, I will do everything in my power to avoid this fate.

I would like to thank you again for your participation in the referendum. I would like to thank you for your votes and your support. I will rely on you in the future, and you can continue to rely on the government, on Fidesz, on the Christian Democratic Party and of course you can rely on me too.


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