Letter By VDARE.com Reader on 06/14/2024

A Talk Radio Listener Says If The Anti-Alex Jones Lawfare Were Applied WIthout Partisan Bias, EVERY Media Outlet Would Be Bankrupt

Earlier: NY TIMES Vs. Sullivan And The Law Of Libel: Press Clings To Its Right To Lie From: An Anonymous Talk Radio Listener [Email him] Gateway Pundit reports A federal judge on Friday ordered the li...
Post By Anne Wilson Smith on 06/03/2024

Leftist Lawfare Is All Of A Pattern: Trump's Conviction, January 6 Gulag, And Charlottesville Torchlight March Persecutions

The big news of the week is the conviction of Donald Trump for 34 felonies. The evening of May 31st, Trump posted to his social media account ”I AM THE POLITICAL PRISONER OF A FAILING NATION, BUT I WIL...