By Peter Brimelow on 07/26/2024

PETER BRIMELOW: Why We’ve Suspended VDARE And I’ve Resigned After 25 Years

(pbrimelow@vdare.com or pbrimelowvdare@protonmail.com)

Someone I know recently lost his daughter. She was exactly the same age as my son Alexander, and in fact we have pictures of them together as babies.

Needless to say, losing VDARE.com is absolutely nothing compared to that.

But it still hurts.

Very soon, the VDARE.com website will be suspended. We are currently unsure for how long the archives will remain accessible, or even if they will be accessible at all.

(We do think that our social media, however, will still function).

So my role here has been destroyed. After 25 years, I am resigning as Editor of VDARE.com and from the VDARE.com Foundation board.

My wife Lydia will continue for now as President of the VDARE Foundation, handling the administrative details of winding down—and, of course, paying lawyers.

One bright spot:


By James Fulford on 07/26/2024

FRAUD ALERT: VDARE.Com Is NOT Soliciting Crypto Donations By Email

Please email lbrimelow@vdare.com if you see any emails like this....
By James Fulford on 07/24/2024

Martin Peretz, Trump, And The ”Central Park Five”

Martin Peretz has written a book called The Controversialist: Arguments with Everyone, Left Right and Center, dealing with his life, and here he is talking about New York in the late 80s: And the lowe...
By Steve Sailer on 07/24/2024

Sailer In TakiMag: “Red Scare“: What’s The Matter With Economists?

Earlier, by Pat Buchanan: They WERE Communists—Dalton Trumbo Had It Coming From my new column in Taki’s Magazine: Red ScareSteve Sailer July 24, 2024 I considered writing about presidential politics...
By John Derbyshire on 07/21/2024

Demography Is Destiny All Over The World

I talk about demography a lot  on VDARE.com, mainly about the decline in fertility rates all over the civilized world. There are also demographic issues at the other end of the age range, though: not j...
By John Derbyshire on 07/21/2024

They Want Your Children

Monday this week California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into state law a new act that bans school districts from notifying parents if their child, when at school, presents as a different sex from the ...
By James Fulford on 07/21/2024

No, Ta-Nehisi Coates's Book Isn't One Of The Best Of The 21st Century—For The Rest It's Too Soon To Tell

At about the 20th century’s three-quarter mark, say about 1973, I read Christopher Morley’s The Haunted Bookshop, probably by borrowing a physical copy from the public library. The Haunted Bookshop (yo...
By Federale on 07/21/2024

More On The Lies That Guard The Immigration Court Amnesty And Open Borders

The latest statistics are out for the Executive Office For Immigration Review (EOIR), the administrative immigration court. The June numbers confirm that the Treason Bar and open borders advocates are ...
By John Derbyshire on 07/20/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Thinking About Political Assassinations (Remember Percival v. Bellingham?)

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com] Shall I always remember where I was and what I was doing when I got the news about the Trump assassination attempt last Satu...
By John Derbyshire on 07/20/2024

The Long Slow Biden Slide

So: that’s the shock and the spectacle. What’s the suspense? The suspense is of course all on the other side, the side where the Democratic Party dwells. Will Joe Biden run for a second term in Novembe...
By John Derbyshire on 07/19/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Blowhard Gives Boring Speech, But Hard Not To Catch RNC Enthusiasm

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com] Yes, the Republican Party’s National Convention in Milwaukee, Monday through Thursday was quite a spectacle. To begin at the...


By Peter Brimelow on 07/26/2024

PETER BRIMELOW: Why We’ve Suspended VDARE And I’ve Resigned After 25 Years

(pbrimelow@vdare.com or pbrimelowvdare@protonmail.com)

Someone I know recently lost his daughter. She was exactly the same age as my son Alexander, and in fact we have pictures of them together as babies.

Needless to say, losing VDARE.com is absolutely nothing compared to that.

But it still hurts.

Very soon, the VDARE.com website will be suspended. We are currently unsure for how long the archives will remain accessible, or even if they will be accessible at all.

(We do think that our social media, however, will still function).

So my role here has been destroyed. After 25 years, I am resigning as Editor of VDARE.com and from the VDARE.com Foundation board.

My wife Lydia will continue for now as President of the VDARE Foundation, handling the administrative details of winding down—and, of course, paying lawyers.

One bright spot:


By James Fulford on 07/26/2024

FRAUD ALERT: VDARE.Com Is NOT Soliciting Crypto Donations By Email

Please email lbrimelow@vdare.com if you see any emails like this....
By James Fulford on 07/24/2024

Martin Peretz, Trump, And The ”Central Park Five”

Martin Peretz has written a book called The Controversialist: Arguments with Everyone, Left Right and Center, dealing with his life, and here he is talking about New York in the late 80s: And the lowe...
By Steve Sailer on 07/24/2024

Sailer In TakiMag: “Red Scare“: What’s The Matter With Economists?

Earlier, by Pat Buchanan: They WERE Communists—Dalton Trumbo Had It Coming From my new column in Taki’s Magazine: Red ScareSteve Sailer July 24, 2024 I considered writing about presidential politics...
By John Derbyshire on 07/21/2024

Demography Is Destiny All Over The World

I talk about demography a lot  on VDARE.com, mainly about the decline in fertility rates all over the civilized world. There are also demographic issues at the other end of the age range, though: not j...
By John Derbyshire on 07/21/2024

They Want Your Children

Monday this week California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into state law a new act that bans school districts from notifying parents if their child, when at school, presents as a different sex from the ...
By James Fulford on 07/21/2024

No, Ta-Nehisi Coates's Book Isn't One Of The Best Of The 21st Century—For The Rest It's Too Soon To Tell

At about the 20th century’s three-quarter mark, say about 1973, I read Christopher Morley’s The Haunted Bookshop, probably by borrowing a physical copy from the public library. The Haunted Bookshop (yo...
By Federale on 07/21/2024

More On The Lies That Guard The Immigration Court Amnesty And Open Borders

The latest statistics are out for the Executive Office For Immigration Review (EOIR), the administrative immigration court. The June numbers confirm that the Treason Bar and open borders advocates are ...
By John Derbyshire on 07/20/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Thinking About Political Assassinations (Remember Percival v. Bellingham?)

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com] Shall I always remember where I was and what I was doing when I got the news about the Trump assassination attempt last Satu...
By John Derbyshire on 07/20/2024

The Long Slow Biden Slide

So: that’s the shock and the spectacle. What’s the suspense? The suspense is of course all on the other side, the side where the Democratic Party dwells. Will Joe Biden run for a second term in Novembe...
By John Derbyshire on 07/19/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Blowhard Gives Boring Speech, But Hard Not To Catch RNC Enthusiasm

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com] Yes, the Republican Party’s National Convention in Milwaukee, Monday through Thursday was quite a spectacle. To begin at the...