A Colorado Reader Thinks It's No Coincidence That Both The NY Times And The Washington Post Published A Series On Alleged Detainee Abuse
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05/19/08 - A WA State Baseball Fan Says Diversity "Destroyed" His Seattle Mariners

From: "Boiling Mad" (e-mail him)

Re: Joe Guzzardi's Column: "Penis Amputation"—The Ultimate Immigration Enthusiast Argument

It's no surprise that the nation's two most subversive yet still influential daily newspapers, the Washington Post and the New York Times concurrently ran a series of articles on alleged detainee abuse.

The Times mindset on immigration is appalling.

An ex-Times corporate employee visited me recently in Denver. She said about the recent immigration enforcement (not enough of it, if you ask me): "I don't know what the Hamptons will do without the illegals. Who will do their yard work?"  

Joe Guzzardi adds: The Times series appeared on May 5th and May 7th with a weepy editorial thrown in on May 6th. [Death by Detention, Editorial, New York Times, May 6, 2008] 

None other than the Times most tendentious reporter Nina Bernstein (VDARE.COM's winner of the 4th Annual "Worst Immigration Reporting" award) wrote the two feature stories. ["Few Details on Immigrants Who Died in Custody," Nina Bernstein, New York Times, May 5, 2008] and [Better Health Care Sought for Detained Immigrants, Nina Bernstein and Julia Preston, New York Times, May 7, 2008]

The Post series ran from May 11th to May 18th.

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