A Texas Reader Sends Thanksgiving Prayers to Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean
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11/25/08 - An Iowa Reader Says Keep Rigoberta Menchu In Guatemala Where She Belongs

From: Thomas Intintolla (e-mail him)

On Monday, President Bush pardoned fourteen drug dealers, tax cheats, and embezzlers. ("Bush Pardons 14, Cuts Prison Time for 2 Others," by Carrie Johnson, Washington Post, November 24, 2008]

No such luck for Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, the two border patrol agents set up by the U.S. government to take a fall for doing their job of protecting America.

Bush's actions speak are self-explanatory and reveal more about his character than we ever wanted to know.

I know that patriotic VDARE.COM readers join me in praying that in the remaining days of his administration, Bush will finally do the right thing and pardon Ramos and Compean.

Intintolla's previous letters about his dogs and about banking regulations are here and here.

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