An Easter Greeting From Mexico
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The crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are foundational to the Christian faith. That's why various branches of Christendom—through diverse cultural traditions—memorialize the death, burial and resurrection of Christ each spring.

Mexico has a variety of traditional Eastertime customs, many of them deriving from Spain, with others originating here.

Mexican schoolchildren get two weeks of vacation—the week preceding and the week following Easter Sunday .

Most Mexican universities, however, usually get just one week of vacation—Holy Week (the week preceding Easter). There are exceptions, such as the Catholic university in which I imparted a class last year.

For the past four semesters my main job has been teaching at a secular high school/university. (In Mexico a high school is sometimes part of a university). So I only have one week of vacation. My wife (who teaches in another high school) and children (a third-grader and a kindergarten student) have two weeks of vacation. So this past week, the family and I enjoyed a 4-day trip to another area of Mexico.

For more information on Eastertime customs in Mexico, you can read my article "Celebrating Eastertime in Mexico" which is located here .

I wish all my readers a Happy Easter, or, in the words of the traditional Mexican greeting: Â?Felices Pascuas de Resurreccion!

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