Look What Happened Last Time Liberals Took Over Criminal Justice: The 1960s
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Here’s a graph going around to show you that there’s nothing to worry about in the big spike in urban homicides since Ferguson: look, the murder rate is down compared to the Carter Administration! For example, Democratic-connected journalist-financier Steven Rattner tweets:

But take a look at the single most dominant notable feature of the graph: the huge increase in murders in the second half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s when liberals took charge of the criminal justice system:


It might make you think twice about the new Abolish Mass Incarceration conventional wisdom whose rise has coincided (perhaps not coincidently) with the 17% increase in homicides seen in the 50 biggest cities in 2015 over 2014.

Thanks, Mr. Rattner. Your graph is much appreciated.


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