MSM Desperate to Stop Poizner
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Clearly it is All Hands to the Guns in the MSM to prevent Steve Poizner succeeding in using immigration to upset Meg Whitman in the California Gubernatorial primary. There has been an avalanche of stories celebrating Poizner’s alleged recent momentum slippage, and as I noted yesterday, the strange situation of The New York Times discussing how big the immigration issue has become on the same day as The Christian Science Monitor claimed it had no influence at all.

The Neocons at The Wall Street Journal took the remarkable step of swinging round Miriam Jordan from her normal pro-immigrant/anti- white worker bombardment duties to discharge the 845th WSJ piece claiming the Hispanic vote is indispensible to the Republican Party. Hispanic Voters Drift from GOP The Wall Street Journal June 5th 2010

The only way to take these WSJ Hispanic vote discussions seriously is to regard them as a kind of Tridentine Mass, unfalsifiable expressions of religious faith, using exactly the unchanging forms, never varying, and best evaluated comparatively with other renditions of the same thing. As I pointed out in 2008, considered as a discussion of an actual issue they are pathetically obsolete and out of date, not having dealt with a new argument in years. Since the WSJ never allows opponents chance to reply, they can pretend to be current.

Considered as ritual, Jordan amusingly botches. She quotes

Lionel Sosa, a media strategist on the Hispanic vote for seven GOP presidents. "Republicans feel they have to go way to the right on immigration to win the primaries. If they want to get elected, they'll need the Hispanic vote.

This of course is the same Lionel Sosa who three years ago was raising money for Hispanic Democratic Presidential Candidate Bill Richardson, saying

”Blood runs thicker than politics”.

What a fine, judicious source.

The view point: Blood is Politics. The GOP could easily continue to win mass races by maximizing the white turnout. The Democrat will increasingly assist this as they demonstrate more and more clearly they serve an ethnic minority coalition.

The Wall Street Journal gang’s point of view: they think so too. As I noted above, that is why they — and others elsewhere — behave as if the White vote does not exist. They don’t want it to exist. They might be left out.

In that respect, Miriam Jordan was a good choice for the piece. Her passage through the elite educational pastures of Stanford, Columbia, and further post-graduate work in France and Israel, apparently eliminated any empathy for the American worker. Joe Guzzardi gave her the 2008 Worst Immigration Reporter Award. I first wrote about her having been disgusted by the glee she expressed at the immigration-induced impoverishment of Tennessee Blue Collar workers: WSJ Crows: ”Refugees” get scarce jobs ahead of Americans.26 May 2009.

Any work Jordan does on GOP fortunes is going to be tendentious and malign. A Republican would be fool to listen.

The GOP Establishment in California are fools. From Lionel Sosa’s website I learn Meg Whitman would veto Arizona-style immigration law Michael McGuire Merced County Headlines Examiner June 3 2010.


Ask Miriam Jordan why she despises Americans so consistently

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