Radio Derb Transcript Up December 15: Solzhenitsyn, Brexit In Name Only, Trump And The Wall, Etc.
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The Radio Derb transcript  is up for December 15, go here to read or listen.


01m36s  Trump's back now against the Wall.  (The price will be high.)

08m51s  Nationalism: the money quote.  (Honoring Alexander Solzhenitsyn.)

16m36s  BINO: Brexit In Name Only.  (Like Khrushchev sending in the tanks.)

23m48s  Show trial in Charlottesville.  (Swinging the authoritarian door closed on us.)

34m11s  Pay us to go away!  (21st-century Danegeld.)

36m43s  Another Trump retreat.  (On defense spending.)

38m50s  Ideograph of the year.  (Japan chooses.)

40m45s  Signoff.  (With James Taylor.)  

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