Ryan Girdusky (Like Steve Sailer): Modern School "Segregation" Caused By Shortage Of White Children
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From Ryan Girdusky’s National Populist Substack:

Axios wrote an utterly ridiculous article that racial segregation in public schools is on the rise, as nearly 20 percent of public schools have a student body that’s 90 percent non-white.

That’s this one: School segregation surging 70 years after landmark Brown v. Board ruling, by Russell Contreras, May 14, 2024.

It’s not racial segregation that’s caused this, but a decrease in the number of white children in the U.S. This will only increase over time as the country becomes increasingly non-white. Access to white people in America isn’t a right, but if you wanted it to be, you’d need to reverse immigration and raise birthrates.

 This is something that Steve Sailer has been saying for years—here’s a sample:


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