This Day In History: Nicholas Kristof Feels Depression, But No Guilt, Over Country Formerly Known As Rhodesia
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Much earlier by Peter Brimelow: Ian Smith's Rhodesia Is Worth Remembering, Human Events, May 26, 1979  

Published here, as Depression, But No Guilt, on this day in 2005. Nicholas Kristof updated it with more reporting five years later [Postcard From ZimbabweAugust 2010, alternate link] in which he continued his rant against white rule, and against the false consciousness of the blacks who missed it:

Over and over, I cringed as I heard Africans wax nostalgic about a nasty, oppressive regime run by a tiny white elite. Black Zimbabweans responded that at least that regime was more competent than today’s nasty, oppressive regime run by the tiny black elite that surrounds Mr. Mugabe.

He continued to celebrate the "worldwide pressure" that betrayed Rhodesia to its death, and hoped that (now black-ruled) South Africa could do it again, as if Mugabe, rather than black rule was the problem. The Zimbabwean Government knows better, as seen in this very recent Bloomberg headline:

Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy, by Godfrey Marawanyika and Antony Sguazzin, March 13, 2020.

Below, the view from 2005:

Via Instapundit, I learn that Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times finds it “depressing ” that

Many, many ordinary black Zimbabweans wish that they could get back the white racist government that oppressed them in the 1970’s.

“If we had the chance to go back to white rule, we’d do it,” said Solomon Dube, a peasant whose child was crying with hunger when I arrived in his village. “Life was easier then, and at least you could get food and a job.” . . .

Wouldn't this be good time for Kristof to say that he was sorry for what the United States, and the New York Times, did to destroy Rhodesia, and cause the exodus of most of the white population, and the murder of many remaining  white farmers?

Joan Baez admitted she was wrong over Vietnam in 1977, Eugene Genovese apologized for his support of Stalinism. Why can't liberals apologize for what they did to Africa?

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