Why Are Non-Blacks Passing As Black? Black Privilege!
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Black privilege has now advanced so far that nonblacks are striving to “pass” as black in order to get a piece of that tasty privilege pie.

The case of Vijay Chokal-Ingam is perhaps the best-known so far:

vijay[1]The big brother of Fox sitcom star Mindy Kaling reveals that he got into medical school by pretending to be African-American.

Fifteen years ago, Vijay Chokal-Ingam shaved off his straight black hair, trimmed what he calls his “long Indian eyelashes” and started checking off the “black” box for race on his med-school applications.

Before long, the Asian Indian-American was interviewing at Harvard and Columbia, and found himself on wait lists at the University of Pennsylvania, Washington University and Mt. Sinai — despite his relatively mediocre 3.1 GPA and his family’s considerable wealth. [Mindy Kaling’s brother pretended to be black to get into med school by Laura Italiano; New York Post, April 5th 2015.]

Now FrontPage Mag has turned up an even weirder case.

898[1]Rachel Dolezal [right, recently] not only pretended to be black, but she got all the way up to the head of an NAACP chapter before the scam was exposed.

On Twitter, Rachel Dolezal claims to be a “Black Studies Educator” and her user name is HarlmRenaissanc.

On her blog she claims to have an MFA from Howard University and to be working as an Adjunct Professor of African American Culture at Eastern Washington University and an Advisor for the NIC Black Student Association. Her artwork fetishizes suffering and oppressed black people. There’s only one problem. Rachel Dolezal is white. Really white.

At some point Rachel married a black man, broke all ties with her family and began pretending to be black …

404[1]Dolezal’s mother, Ruthanne Dolezal, said Thursday by phone from her home in Northwest Montana that she has had no contact with her daughter in years. She said her daughter [pictured right, as a child] began to “disguise herself” in 2006 or 2007, after the family had adopted four African-American children and Rachel Dolezal had shown an interest in portrait art.

Ruthanne Dolezal said the family’s ancestry is Czech, Swedish and German …

But Rachel Dolezal had a perfectly sound Clintonesque explanation for it all.

Dolezal added: “We’re all from the African continent.” [NAACP Leader Exposed as White After Faking Hate Crime by Daniel Greenfield; FrontPage Mag, June 11th 2015.]

As I counter when people try that one on me in conversation: We’re all from the ocean if you go somewhat further back, but look!—I am not a mackerel.

How authentically black does Ms Dolezal strive to be? So authentically black, she has been faking hate crimes.

None of this would probably have come out if not for Dolezal faking a hate crime.

Also this week, Spokane police files on Dolezal’s report that she received a hate mail package and other mailing in late February and March were released. Police records say the initial package Dolezal reported receiving did not bear a date stamp or bar code, which Dolezal herself told police when she reported it. Investigators interviewed postal workers, who said it was either very unlikely or impossible that the package could have been processed through the post office, and that the only other alternative was that it had been put there by someone with a key …

[NAACP flunky Kurt] Neumaier said he was suspicious of several incidents Dolezal reported in Coeur d’Alene, including her discovery of a swastika on the door of the Human Rights Education Institute when the organization’s security camera was “mysteriously turned off.”

Some satirist should do a rewrite of Pudd’nhead Wilson. The trouble is, no-one would dare publish it.

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