Steve Sailer

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06/08/2010, 03:31 AM -

Michael Chabon on Jewish IQ

06/08/2010, 03:31 AM -

Michael Chabon on Power Pop

06/07/2010, 03:07 AM -

Texas Cities: Not Trustatopias

06/06/2010, 11:40 PM -

The Trustafarian Exception

06/05/2010, 02:07 AM -

More Interracial Marriage Stats

06/04/2010, 10:09 PM -

Disparate Impact: How it works

06/04/2010, 09:21 PM -


06/04/2010, 06:16 PM -

New Study On Jewish Genes

06/04/2010, 06:55 AM -

The Minnesota Challenge